Discover 6 Steps To 
Rebound From a Life of Fatigue 
& Weight Gain!
...& feel like yourself again without quitting work, eating kale or living on a silent yoga retreat
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"I can't believe how far I've come in 12 weeks. This time last year my whole world seemed to be falling apart. I wasn't sleeping, suffering from depression, fatigue, brain fog, you name it I had it. 
My work & personal life was suffering because of it.

In August I started the Burnout Fix, with a bit of skepticism & feeling that Cath was my last chance at feeling like a human again.  Fast forward 12 weeks & I am feeling like my old self. Happy, sleeping, exercising & most importantly my family like me again"

Jo, Leicestershire
About Me! Who Am I?
Hi I’m Cath,

I’m a Nutritionist specialising in women's health helping women recharge their energy hormones and get metabolism momentum so the have boundless energy, lose weight and can feel like themselves again. 

I remember when I could just about do my job and sleep. That was it.  I was exhausted and would gain weight just by looking at food. 

I went to the doctors, but there was NOTHING wrong with me and all I was given the contraceptive pill anti depressants and pain killers to help me get through each month. 

What I was doing wasn't working and the cravings, anxiousness & fatigue were controlling my life.  It wasn't until I hit rock bottom and was signed off work that I knew I had to find another way.  By supporting the root causes instead of treating symptoms I was able to pull myself out of the fog of being one of life's "walking unwell" and have now  helped hundreds of women do the same. 

Now, my purpose in life is to help women recharge their energy hormones and reset their metabolism so they can feel like themselves again.

“This program has been one of the best things to happen to me.. I was hoping the constant fatigue & headaches would stop, the feeling hungover every morning even though I hadn't been drinking would stop. I told myself it wasn't about the weight, but in reality, losing a few pounds was going to make me feel better.

I ended up getting all of that and more! I lost over a stone, a few inches from most places but it's more about what I gained. I gained a real interest in what Cath has been teaching us. I can't get enough of it. Without realising I've given up sugar (pretty much!) and I don't feel deprived. But when I am hungry, I know my body is actually hungry now. I don't have any guilt about eating!”

Becky, London
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